May 2, 2024 - May 4, 2024




Flipbook Description

Arcoirius is Spanish for rainbow

Immerse yourself in a vibrant Rainbow Party filled with joy, diversity, and pride.  Experience a weekend dedicated to embracing inclusion and celebrating the camping community.

Don't miss out on this colorful event and don't forget to bring your best salsa - whether you like it spicy or sweet, because at Fiesta Arcoiris, it's not just about the colors of the rainbow, but also the flavors that bring us together.

Show off your salsa skills for a chance to be the 2025 salsa champion!


This schedule is NOT maintained by CreekRidge Campground. Official event information is provided as a link in the event description where possible.  Some events are a best guess based on last year. As more information is known, the events and details will be updated to the best of our ability.

Fiesta Arcoirius Weekend Schedule

Coming Up...