Flipbook Description
Get ready to spread your wings this Friday night in Solitude as we dust Off Our wings for an extraordinary journey into the forest on Saturday.
We will soar over the bridge and immerse ourselves in a magical world where we'll shimmer and twinkle like fairies under the night sky.
If you're intrigued by the idea of illuminating and enhancing a part of the forest for this whimsical weekend, don't hesitate to share your interest with the Park Ranger during Friday's gathering at the club. Experience a night filled with a laid-back atmosphere, free-spirited vibes, and ethereal tunes that will transport you to a realm of enchantment.
This schedule is NOT maintained by CreekRidge Campground. Official event information is provided as a link in the event description where possible. Some events are a best guess based on last year. As more information is known, the events and details will be updated to the best of our ability.