Slip Hole

Two images together:  Right is The Slip Hole written in slip.  Left is two men in the slip hole.

The Slip Hole is a man-made pond partially filled with kaolin clay and water. The clay/water mixture (called “slip” in pottery) has a smooth, creamy consistency that feels great on the skin. The dome cover makes for a bright, warm environment - thus the Slip Hole is somewhere between a spa treatment, backcountry hot spring, steam bath, and a sweat lodge.

  • Please keep as much of the clay as you can in the slip hole itself. Clean off as best you can in the dome.
  • After you leave the dome, use the outside shower by the pool or your camper's outdoor shower to get most of the mud off.
  • Please DO NOT use the indoor showers or pool until you are pretty much fully clean as the clay can clog the drains and make a mess.
  • No shoes, clothes, or anything but water in the dome.
  • When it is hot, bring a buddy (or three). On a sunny day, the dome itself get to >140F, but the clay is mid 70s-mid-80s depending on how deep it is.
  • We ask that only people who have been oriented enter in to the slip hole.
    • Once you are oriented (either by contacting Peter Woolf or during one of the slip hole events announced over the summer), you will get the padlock code.
  • Enter the slip hole at your own risk and always bring someone else.
    • The floor can be extremely slippery and the space can be challenging to navigate.
If you have any questions, contact Peter Woolf.

Slip Hole Map

Clicking on the map below will open the map in a new tab.

Slip Hole Map

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