Dog Tags


Dog Tag Campaign Logo


CreekRidge kicked off their Dog Tag Campaign in 2021.  Here is the initial announcement from Facebook. 

There is no longer a point system in place, but most weekends include a limited number of tags created specifically to commemorate the events of the weekend.  Seasonals members sometimes provide custom dog tags for events they host too.  It's a fun limited edition weekend souvenir, and a great way to make a memory!

The albums below are meant to be a digital scrapbook of the dog tags that have been made available over the years.  They are by no means complete.  If you have a dog tag from CreekRidge and you would like it listed in one of our albums, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include front and back images and we will do our best to get them added. 


2024 Dog Tag Album
2023 Dog Tag Album
2022 Dog Tag Album
2021 Dog Tag Album

Coming Up...